Provencal Plaster
The Provencal Plaster is a lime plaster intended for the renovation of facades. Naturally rosy, it includes also charcoal bits and gypsum spalls, therein identical to the traditional plasters of Upper Provence and the Lower Alps.
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Provençal Plaster is a lime plaster, traditionally fabricated from plaster and fat lime. Naturally of a pinkish hue, it also contains charcoal bits and gypsum chips, similarly to the traditional plaster of Upper Provence and the Lower Alps.
Application fields
Provençal Plaster is conceived for facade renovation, as well as a coating for interiors. It is compatible with all types of traditional buildings ( limestone blocks masonry, timber frame of the Ubaye valley (French Alps), XIXth century brick masonry, lumps of plaster masonry of the Sisteron region,...)
Provençal Plaster can also be used in renovation on brand new walls
The traditional coating of Upper Provence, Provençal Plaster perpetuates the very particular character of the ancient facades of this region.
In addition to its aesthetic qualities, the Plaster Of Provence has an exceptional sanitizing capacity for old walls, due to its unequaled respiratory abilities. The traditional houses thus, may find their equilibrium again.
It is recommended in the case of large thickness.
The Plaster Of Provence lends itself well to the always possible movements in old buildings.
Moreover, even when these movements cause cracks, the great porosity of the Plaster Of Provence prevent them from becoming infiltrating.
Aspects and range
The Plaster Of Provence is naturally rosy, with gypsum bits inclusions and charcoal, and obtains the enameled skin of scattered splits of the “rosy plaster facades”, traditional in Upper Provence and in the Lower Alps.
Moreover, it can be customized and enriched with pigments to match the variety of the local colors from most subtle ochres to the most warm and saturated tones.
The typical finishings are cut, floated or, better still, washed for a patina aspect where the grain is apparent. These traditional completions are very resistant and very little dirtying.
Old masonries to coat must be protected from undesirable water intrusions (streaming, backsplash, rising water by capillarity). The copings, gutters, downspouts, protection of the ledges, stringcourses, cornices, sill courses, zinc works, flaps and splashboards must ensure their role normally. One must particularly look after protections on the walls exposed to the dominant winds. Degradations by ground level backsplash are avoided by a base-wall at least 20 in. high / 50 cm.
The application of the plasters on facade agrees with the respect of the tradition, the code of practice and our specifications.
Due to the presence of lime in the product, it is imperative to wear gloves.
The Plaster Of Provence should not be applied below 41o F/ + 5°C, nor on frozen or thawing support.
In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure its protection against the direct action of the sun during the work and the first drying time period (7 days).
Do not apply in very hot weather nor in full sun exposure.
The Plaster Of Provence can be mixed manually using a mixer and a rubber container. It can also be sprayed with an adapted machine. It must form a homogeneous paste holding a load at least 1 3/16 in./3 cm thick (approximately 12 to 14 L by bag).
The application is done in a minimum number of layers: in the case of a very large thickness, one proceeds in successive layers from 1 3/16 to 2 in./3 to 5 cm, with finishing cut of each one of them. In rough-trimming, one uses the PG 30 for manual use, the PG 100 for spraying, or Plaster of Provence.
The top coat minimal thickness is 1 in./ 2.5 cm, once the coating done.
The working time of the product is approximately 2 hours to float the coating.
The completion is carried out then during the 3 hours which follow the setting, that is to say generally in the afternoon.
The Plaster Of Provence is then cut with a sharp berthelet. It can then be washed with a sponge or with a spray. From the moment of this operation and its exact characteristics depend the final aspect: a preliminary test is essential. It can also be burnished then washed.
10 kg/m² by cm of thickness ( about 2 lbs/sqft per ½ inch. thickness in interior or 5 lbs/ sqft per inch. in exterior).
4 months, away from humidity, in a dry and clean storage room.
55 lbs / 25 kg bags doubled paper bags, on pallets with streamers.
Pinkish original color or enriched with pigments, custom-made.
Version 1.2